Senior KG Program
Senior KG Classes
Know more about our Senior KG program
Age should be in between 5-6 years
Duration : 04 hrs
Class Size : 20 studen
senior Kg program consist of
Key Areas
Holistic Development
- Engaging in simple puzzles and games to encourage logical thinking.
- Identifying and solving basic problems encountered during play and activities.
- Participating in memory games and activities to enhance recall abilities.
- Focusing on tasks and activiities for gradually increasing periods.
- Listening attentively during storytelling and classroom instructions.
- Spatial Awareness, Fine Motor skills and refining hand-eye coordination
Language Milestones
- Reading and identifying short and long vowel sounds respectively.
- Understanding and recognition of blend words, and basic diagraphs.
- Reading and writing up to 5 letter words, independntly.
- Telling stories, jokes and riddles along with tongue twisters
- Understanding of Grammar concepts, to identify the mistakes and read out loud.
- Talk about things that are going to happen as well things that have already happened.
- Recognition of the Hindi Varmala along with vocabulory for the same.
- Independent writing of Hindi Swar.
Mathematical and Logical Milestones
- Writing and recognition of numbers from 1-100 & number names 1-10
- Understanding of the concept of 'before and after' - 'greater than and less than'.
- Addition and Substraction of single digit numbers, mentally as well as writen.
- Being able to solve sequencing and repeating pattern questions.
- Understanding of basic concepts of perception of space, and mapping activities.